The Energy Tax and its Application in Hungary And in the European Union
This article deals with the initiation of the energy tax in Hungary.
This is a tax the power plants must pay after the electric energy and gas
consumption. The goal of the tax is increasing energy efficiency both
by the power plants and by the consumers. Indirectly, this is an envi-
ronmental goal, reducing the increment rate, and later the real emission
of greenhouse gases (the GHGs) and other unhealthy gases (CO 2, NO X,
SO X) by the main producers, the conventional power plants. After sign-
ing the Kyoto Protocol, there are strict limits on the emission of GHGs
both in Hungary and the European Union.
The graduate student author is in her fourth year in studying law.
Her major is tax law and energy law. She prepared a class thesis in this
field with favorable inspector marks, and was awarded an excellent
degree. This article is the shortened version of her original paper
1987.:XI. act for the legislation.
2003. LXXXVIII. act for the energy tax.
Customs and Excise Guard, Information about the Energy Tax (Tájékoztató az
energiaadóról), VIVA Media, Budapest, 2003.
Halustyik (ed.), Financial Law Vol. 1 (Pénzügyi jog I), Aula Kiadó, Budapest,
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Rome, 1957.
Council directive 92/12/EEC of 25 February 1992 on the general arrangements
for products subject to excise duty and on the holding, movement and
monitoring of such products.
Council directive 2003/96/EC.
Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE) Consumption
MVM Hungarian Power Companies, MAVIR Hungarian Power System
Operator Company, Statistical Data of the Hungarian Power System, 2005, Mecum
Stúdió, Budapest, 2005.