The Elephant in the Room: Dealing with Carbon Emissions From Synthetic Transportation Fuels Production


  • Graham B. Parker Senior Staff Engineer Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory
  • Robert T. Dahowski Senior Research Engineer Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory


There has been considerable interest in producing synthetic trans-
portation fuels via coal-to-liquids (CTL) hydrocarbon conversion, par-
ticularly in countries where there is an abundant domestic coal resource.
In the United States, there is currently a public policy debate over the
use of coal to produce liquid transportation fuels to increase energy
security and decrease dependence on imported petroleum and refined
products. There are a number of challenges to be faced by a possible
CTL industry, and one of the largest relates to the magnitude of carbon
dioxide (CO2) generated, from synthetic fuel production as well as from
the combustion of the synthetic transportation fuel itself.
CO 2 , produced by conversion of hydrocarbons to energy, pri-
marily via fossil fuel combustion, is one of the most ubiquitous and
significant greenhouse gases (GHGs). Concerns over climate change
precipitated by rising atmospheric GHG concentrations have prompt-
ed many industrialized nations to begin adopting limits on emissions
to inhibit increases in atmospheric CO 2 levels. The United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change states as a key goal the
stabilization of atmospheric GHGs at a level that prevents “dangerous
anthropogenic interference” with the world’s climate systems. This
will require sharply reducing CO 2 emissions across the globe, and ul-
timately a fundamental shift in the way in which energy is produced
and consumed.


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Author Biographies

Graham B. Parker, Senior Staff Engineer Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory

Graham Parker ( has worked at PNNL for 35 years. His most recent work has focused on projects to convert hydrogen-containing materials to synthetic fuels. He has led the technology- and market-based analysis for the development of the business case for converting coal-to-liquid transportation fuels for the private and public sectors. This work has also focused on the siting, infrastructure, and environmental management strategies for synthetic fuel plants. He also manages PNNL’s program for DOE to set new effi ciency standards for commercial equipment and appliances. Mr. Parker has a degree in chemical engineering from Oregon State University and has been a senior member of AEE for nearly 20 years.

Robert T. Dahowski, Senior Research Engineer Pacifi c Northwest National Laboratory

Robert Dahowski ( has been at PNNL for over 12 years and has focused his research on energy effi ciency and carbon management. He is affi liated with the Joint Global Change Research Institute and leads energy, economic, and environmental systems analyses related to the role of advanced energy technologies in addressing climate change. He is experienced in model development and analysis in the areas of building energy effi ciency, emissions impacts, and the techno-economic performance of carbon dioxide capture and geologic storage systems. Mr. Dahowski has degrees in mechanical and environmental engineering and performs assessments of carbon sequestration technologies for government agencies as well as private industrial clients.


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How to Cite

Parker, G. B. ., & Dahowski, R. T. . (2023). The Elephant in the Room: Dealing with Carbon Emissions From Synthetic Transportation Fuels Production . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 28(1), 12–33. Retrieved from


