Management Procedure for Establishing a CHP System In Louisiana
The objective of this research is to determine what permits and
regulations are required in Louisiana for CHP implementations. A typi-
cal management procedure for the CHP adoption process is developed
to provide an in-depth understanding of the difficulty and technical
phases of CHP projects. A description of each phase in the procedure
is provided. The air permit and utility interconnection procedures are
discussed as they pertain to Louisiana.
Our research indicates that for air-permitting requirements, all
emitted pollutants must be less than 15 tons per year and 5 tons per
year per regulated pollutant for exemption. If the facility owner is not
exempted, he or she must file an Air Permit Application, Emission
Inventory Questionnaire, and Single Source Form with the Louisiana
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The interconnection
procedure is initiated with an interconnection request, and the utility
provider submits the appropriate application to the owner.
After the application is completed, the utility provider initiates
a facility study. The interconnection agreement is completed after the
facility study results are accepted by both parties. The operation of the
system is tested by the utility provider before going online.
“Louisiana.” Gulf Coast CHP Application Center. http://www.gulfcoastchp.
org/State/LA. (accessed June 25, 2007).
“CHP Project Resources.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. http:// (accessed June 25,
“COGEN Europe Reports and Studies.” COGEN Europe. http://www.
(accessed June 25, 2007).
“Combined Heat and Power White Paper.” Western Govenor’s
Association. Clean and Diversified Energy Initiative, 2006. 1-38.
“Air Permits.” DEQ Louisiana.
tabid/64/Default.aspx. (accessed June 25, 2007).
“Do I need an air permit.” Louisiana DEQ.
portal/tabid/2619/Default.aspx.(accessed June 25, 2007).
“General Order.” Louisiana Public Service Commission. http://www. (accessed June 25,