The Past, Present, and Future of Resource Effi ciency Managers In the Federal Sector
Resource effi ciency managers (REMs) are a relatively new and im-
portant tool available to federal sites seeking to realize energy efficiency.
REMs are individuals skilled in the discipline of energy management
that work on site to support energy managers in realizing energy and
energy cost savings. The REM concept has been successfully demon-
strated many times over, with an average savings-to-investment ratio
of $3.4-to-$1 realized. These successes have helped grow the number
of federal sites contracting REM services to over 40, with this number
increasing annually. And with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct
2005) establishing even more aggressive federal energy efficiency goals
and requirements, REMs can offer agencies and sites the added technical
expertise needed for them to succeed
FEMP. 2005. Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Shares the Keys to Their
Successful Energy Program. FEMP Focus. Summer 2005. Washington, DC.
Available URL:
Hunt, W.D. and G.P. Sullivan. 2002. Assessing the Potential for a FEMP
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Program to Improve Energy Efficiency.
PNNL-14076. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Available URL: