Getting the Most from Your Energy Dollar


  • Jim Phillips P.E., CEM, CPE, GBE VP-Engineering Independent Energy Alternatives, Inc.


In today’s economy, the cost of energy (electricity and natural gas)
has increased at astronomical rates. In less than a decade, electricity has
doubled in cost and natural gas risen four-fold. Energy is now a signifi-
cant cost of operation in any plant or facility, especially in a household
budget. Although natural gas costs have dropped some, no one expects
prices to return to their pre-2000 rates. High energy costs are with us
now and will continue to deplete business profits and income. But it is
not all depressing on the energy outlook. There are actions that can be
taken to reduce these energy costs. As an energy engineer in the busi-
ness for 28 years, I will share my thoughts on reducing your energy
consumption and lowering your energy bills.
There are fi ve ways to save energy dollars:
(1) Negotiate a better price for your energy commodity.
(2) Reduce energy demand and consumption.
(3) Reschedule energy consumption.
(4) Convert to a different form of energy.
(5) Make your own energy.
Implementing any or a combination of these concepts will help
you get the most from your energy dollar.


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Author Biography

Jim Phillips, P.E., CEM, CPE, GBE VP-Engineering Independent Energy Alternatives, Inc.

Mr. Phillips is a licensed engineer in the state of Texas and holds certificates as an energy manager, plant engineer, and green building engineer. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a BSME degree and as a distinguished military graduate. He also holds a Master’s degree in theology and was a chaplain in the USAR. He has been a teacher and a headmaster in private schools.

Mr. Phillips has worked as an energy engineer for 29 years at Lone Star Gas, TXU, and now as VP of engineering for Independent Energy Alternatives, Inc. He was awarded the 1988 and 2003 Association of Energy Engineers’ Region IV Energy Professional award and the 1991 Region IV Energy Engineer award. He is a past president of the North Texas Gas Measurement Association, the North Texas Association of Energy Engineers (NTAEE), and the North Texas Association of Facility Engineers (NTAFE). He is presently a board member of the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Mr. Phillips’ email is


TXU energy fact sheets.

TXU energy fact sheets.

Llumar Window Film bulletin 08 87 00/CPF.




How to Cite

Phillips, J. . (2023). Getting the Most from Your Energy Dollar . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 26(4), 69–80. Retrieved from


