Relationships: Energy Usage Indoor Environmental Quality Occupant Perception and Health In Commercial Office Buildings
A multi-disciplinary study to comprehensively measure and ana-
lyze operational performance and indoor environmental conditions in
a sample of typical commercial office buildings in the United States
is described. The study provides data that are currently not available.
The indoor building factors investigated during this study have never
been formally studied in a comprehensive and systematic manner. No
normative database currently exists for typical buildings, making it
impossible to correlate occupant indoor environmental response data
to corresponding building design information and related measured
microbiological and engineering data. These are necessary to properly
assess building performance.
This article describes the integrated building performance data-
base, its development, and what and how data are collected and ana-
lyzed. The measured environmental data undergoes rigorous statistical
analyses based on numerous hypotheses, which are designed to confirm
or dispute standard industry assumptions with regard to comfort and
occupant perceptions of indoor air quality (IAQ).
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