Night Setback/Setup System— Web Centric DDC Framework
Signifi cant savings can be realized by implementing a night HVAC
management program during the unoccupied time when the tempera-
ture in the facility is set below or above the normal comfort temperature
for the heating and cooling months respectively. Conventional means of
achieving this often proved to be non-functional due to a host of reasons
like diffi culty to program, inaccessibility of the system, lack of a user
friendly interface, etc. The goal of this article is to develop a conceptual
framework for a night setback/setup system leveraging state-of-the-art
technologies to address some of the problems that current night setback
systems face. This work describes a web-centric DDC system that can
be easily programmed from any computer connected to the network
using a combination of software and hardware components.
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