ESCOs and In-house Energy Managers: A Winning Team
Over past 25+ years, energy service companies (ESCOs) have
emerged as a successful way of carrying out energy efficiency improve-
ments in industrial and institutional facilities. At the same time, facilities
are entrusting their energy manager (EM) with the responsibility of re-
ducing energy costs without fail However, this is often not accompanied
by investment capital or people support from management, or at least
not in proportion to the task assignment. One channel of supporting the
EM is through use of ESCOs in forming a “partnering” arrangement to
reduce both facility operating costs as well as provide for infrastructure
needs without new capital outlay approvals by the corporation, and
doing this rapidly. To make this partnership a success, EMs and ESCOs
need to complement each other by bringing their respective strengths to
bear on a potential energy cost savings project. The EMs can help in
optimizing project planning and the swift corporate approval process,
and the ESCO can bring focused expertise at practical energy efficiency
opportunities suited to the client, and a keen focus on swiftly complet-
ing measures for the mutual benefit of the owner and the ESCO. This
article addresses the EM/ESCO partnership, along with a recent suc-
cessful case study.
“Energy Performance Contracting: A New Tool for Financing Energy-Efficiency
Projects,” Patricia A. Donahue, EUN Article, August 8, 2000.
“Monitoring Utility Bills and Saving Verification”; EM Magazine—September 1996;
Michelle Phaneuf, P. Eng is the principal of REA—Reports & Energy Analysis,
Calgary, Alberta
The Science Of Selecting An Energy Service Company (ESCO) By Darcy
Immerman and John Upchurch, Alliant Energy Integrated Services
“Effect of Efficient Lighting on Ergonomic Aspects in Modern IT Offices,” R.
Walawalkar, Dr. De, T Mogare and J Saharia, Proceedings of the International
Right Light 5 Conference, France, May 2002.
Manual for Intelligent Energy Services, by Dr. Shirley Hansen, Fairmont Press, 2002
“Recharging Campus Energy Conservation: ESCOs and Demand Side Manage-
ment,” Facilities Manager, Winter 1994, Walter Simpson.
Performance Contracting: Expanding Horizons, by Hansen, Weisman, Fairmont Press,
“Working Overseas on Energy Management Projects: Cultural and Financial Con-
siderations,” B.K. Colburn, Proceedings of the 2002 WEEC, Atlanta, November
“$18.7 Million Paid-from-Savings Variable Load Mechanical Cogeneration Project
at Louisiana State University,” B.K. Colburn and M.D. Leach, Proceedings of the
Industrial Energy Technology Conference, March 24-25, 1993, Houston, TX.
“Industrial Energy Audit Training for Engineers,” B.K. Colburn, Proceedings of
the 1982 Industrial Energy Conservation Technology Conference, Houston, April,