Energy 101 Ten Ways to Reduce Facility Energy Costs OR What to Look at First
In my experience as an energy management instructor and energy
auditor, I have found that certain items always seem to be included in
the list of energy saving recommendations. These items are included
because they typically have a reasonable payback for the effort. I have
put together a list of what I have found to be the “top ten” of these
energy saving measures. These measures tend to be more applicable to
commercial buildings, but some of them, particularly the motor recom-
mendations and utility concerns, may be appropriate for industrial fa-
This list can be used as a general guide as to what to examine first
when looking at ways to save energy and reduce operating costs. The
paybacks shown are of a “first cut” accuracy, and do not reflect mainte-
nance or capital expenditure savings that can be included in a life cycle
analysis. Further and more detailed analysis is recommended prior to
the implementation of any of these measures. The paybacks shown are
based on a range of average electrical and gas costs, and assume a capi-
tal cost for the energy conservation measure.