Reference: “Energy Policy, or Lack Thereof”
Thank you for your offer to provide the forum for discussion of the
reference topic. Alas, there is no super Btu or magic pill that will solve
the energy and environmental problems. I believe that most people have
the desire to conserve and better manage their energy use, but what is
lacking is a leadership direction.
There are many energy consultants that have been successful man-
aging energy. Most have a passion for a particular type of application
where they have gained experience and been successful. Although these
applications may vary significantly, they usually provide the predicted
energy results.
The efforts of the 1980s and 1990s to improve equipment efficiency
levels have greatly reduced energy consumption. Equipment perfor-
mance ratings like EER and COP are used as the minimum standard for
design and purchasing of new equipment. These efficiency improve-
ments were vital to the growth of the power industry.