An Overview of Nigeria Energy Profile for Power Generation
This study identifies crude oil, natural gas, coal, solar, hydro, wind,
and nuclear as energy resources in Nigeria. They abound in the nation,
yet they are not fully utilized. The general overview of these resources
is presented to reveal their potential base and level of utilization. It was
reported that the energy profile of Nigeria has 25 billion barrels as the
total estimated reserve of oil, 3.4 trillion cubic meters as the total esti-
mated reserve of natural gas, and 2.7 billion tones as the total estimated
reserve of coal. Thus Nigeria holds great potential energy resources (re-
newable and non-renewable). The level of utilization of these resources
is below expectation. This article presents strategies for the sustainable
development of the energy resources and their optional utilization.
Ukaegbu, O.D. (1999) “Managing Nigeria’s Energy Sector for Sustain-
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Coal News (1999) A quarterly publication of the Nigerian Coal Corpora-
tion, Ojinnaka, I.P. (1998) “Nigeria’s Natural Gas Industry: Issues
for its Sustainable Development”
A paper presented at the SPE 22nd Annual Conference.
Okoriji and Chima, (1981) “Energy sources for Nigeria,” ENERGY: The
International Journal.