NOW! IN 3-D! A New, Dirt-Cheap Way to View Interval Meter Data and Cut Electricity Costs


  • Lindsay Audin CEM, CLEP, CEP, IES President Energywiz, Inc.


Trying to use monthly electric bills to understand power usage is
a bit like trying to read a book held 50 feet from your face: at best, all
you can make out is the shape. Interval meters give a clearer picture
by providing 1/4-hourly consumption readings, but sifting through
3,000 readings a month is not a practical use of your time. What if you
could visually scan your monthly (or even annual) load shape in a
single color-coded three-dimensional picture? If you know Microsoft
Excel, doing so may be easier than you think.


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Author Biography

Lindsay Audin, CEM, CLEP, CEP, IES President Energywiz, Inc.

Lindsay Audin (CEM, CLEP, CEP, IES), is the president of Energywiz, Inc., an energy consulting firm serving the competitive energy market, government agencies, large end users, and other consultants. Audin has been named Energy Manager of the Year by three different national or regional organizations, most recently by the Association of Professional Energy Managers in 1995. In 1993, the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) named him their International Energy Manager of the Year, and in 1996 inducted him into its Energy Manager’s Hall of Fame, the highest recognition in that field.

He served on the board of the New York Designer’s Lighting Forum, the Energy User News Technical Advisory Board, and an ASHRAE 90.1 technical committee. His column on lighting and energy issues has appeared quarterly, in Architectural Record magazine since 1991, and his work appears frequently in energy-related publications.

Energywiz, Inc., One Everett Avenue, Ossining, NY 10562, (t) 914- 762-4939, (f) 914-762-4987;;




How to Cite

Audin, L. . (2023). NOW! IN 3-D! A New, Dirt-Cheap Way to View Interval Meter Data and Cut Electricity Costs . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 21(4), 66–73. Retrieved from




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