Analyzing Facility Energy Use: A Balancing Act
When you do an energy audit, you must have a good understand-
ing of how the energy is used by a facility to make sure that your
energy efficiency recommendations are accurate and appropriate. You
must know what equipment uses energy, how much energy it uses
and how much energy it uses as a proportion of the total energy used
at the facility. You can do this by monitoring the energy use of all the
major pieces of equipment, but this is quite expensive and time-con-
suming. In this article, Part I, we discuss an alternative way for you to
estimate the energy use by developing an ENERGY BALANCE. This
method is particularly helpful if you have limited time to gather the
energy use data.
Capehart, Barney L. and Capehart, Lynne C. “Improving Industrial
Energy Audit Analyses,” Proceedings of the ACEEE Energy Effi-
ciency in Industry Conference, Grand Island NY, Summer 1995.
MotorMaster and the Motor Challenge, http://
Capehart, Barney, “Equipment Load Factors, Use Factors and Di-
versity Factors as well as a General Discussion of Energy Audit
diversity.doc, 2000.