Multiple Fuel-use Strategies- A Way to Handle Volatile Natural Gas Costs
Changing regulations, economic growth, and increasing compe-
tition in the energy industry have brought increased volatility in en-
ergy demand, supply, and prices. If you depend today on a single fuel
for heating or power generation, you risk losing competitive advan-
tage. An ability to use multiple fuels gives the facility operator greater
flexibility to operate successfully in the uncertain new economic en-
vironment. Multiple fuel optimization is a strategic tool to maintain
your competitive edge.
Rising Fuel Costs Impact U.S. Households, Alliance to Save Energy.
“Iola Powerhouse: Monroe County Optimizes Fuel-Use Strategies,”
Henry Manczyk and Michael Leach. District Heating and Cooling
Magazine, 2nd Quarter 1991.
The Cost of Natural Gas: What to Expect, Yankeegas, The Northeast Utili-
ties System.
Central Plant Optimization: Are the Keys to Success inside your own Facili-
ties? ConEdison Solutions.
Update on Natural Gas Prices, TXU Electric and Gas.