When Everything Old Is New Again-


  • Kevin Fraser President and CEO Fraser Limited


If you are like me with some gray showing around the
temples, then you may also recall what our industry was like in the
early 1980s. If any device consumed two watts of electricity we
looked for a way to get it reduced to one watt. ROI was our daily
war cry and we left no stones unturned in our search for projects
that would meet our internal company goal, typically a three-year
We retrofitted fluorescent light fixtures with early and unrefined
polished reflectors so we could lamp down from four to two tubes.
The shadows were horrible and the rooms were dim, truly a poor
application unless the original fixture was a three tube and you had
an engineered reflector. Our bosses took their blows over this change
and of course handed same down to us, advising we had better come
up with better improvements fast.
We converted our T-12 lamps to T-8, a good move although the
T-8 of that day ran about 125% more in cost than did the T-12. So we
often waited to do the retrofit until a group relamping was due and
we could bury some of the retrofit cost in what would otherwise
have been spent on the relamping. And when we did relamp we in-
variably faced complaints about the new color rendition.
We converted from magnetic to electronic ballasts, almost cer-
tainly a bad move in the early days of humming and smoking elec-
tronic ballasts coming from a variety of backyard manufacturers.
Flicker and high infant mortality rates were the norm for these units,
and again the complaints filtered down. Confidence in conservation
measures took a solid hit.


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Author Biography

Kevin Fraser , President and CEO Fraser Limited

Kevin D. Fraser is president and CEO of Fraser Limited. He has 20 years of real estate experience in facilities management, construction, design (mechanical/electrical/plumbing) and consulting. A recognized expert in building systems and energy management, Mr. Fraser has specialized in multi-site facility operations and review, with a focus on energy acquisition and energy project design. Prior to joining PG&E Energy Services as a national director Mr. Fraser served as an international corporate real estate consultant for Ernst & Young Kenneth Leventhal. He has held facilities and administration management responsibilities for David Rockefeller, Prudential Insurance, John Portman & Associates, Pacific Park Plaza and Wind River Systems.

Mr. Fraser is credited with writing and releasing the nation’s first true open market RFP for deregulated electricity. He has led or participated in energy commodity and related services totaling billions of dollars, including the largest single energy services agreement in history. His experience includes representing the end user, intermediary, independent third party and supplier.

195 Michele Circle, Novato, CA 94947; 415-898-7171; kevin@fraserlimited.com




How to Cite

Fraser , K. . (2023). When Everything Old Is New Again- . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 21(1), 71–77. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20421


