The First International Energy Engineering Dictionary, In 3 Languages English - Russian- Georgian
A new concept in international energy engineering competency is
introduced: An English-Russian-Georgian Energy Dictionary. It is the
result of several years of intense collaboration between members of the
Georgian (Eastern Europe) Chapter of the Association of Energy Engi-
neers, and former AEE International President Konstantin Lobodovsky
(1988), co-author and Editor in Chief of the new tri-language engineer-
ing dictionary.
The dictionary was compiled in different stages by involving Geor-
gian engineers and their foreign counterparts, and encompasses widely
diversified areas of energy engineering. The result is approximately
21,000 units and terms from the fields of thermal power, electric and hy-
dro engineering, oil extraction, transportation, welding technology, re-
newable energy sources, energy efficiency and related technical fields.