Green Power, Energy Conservation, And Cost Savings


  • Robert A. Kennedy P.E., CE.M. Vice President CES/Way
  • Walter Simpson C.E.M., C L. E.P. Energy Officer, Facilities Management State University of New York at Buffalo


Energy efficiency efforts could suffer significantly if electric deregulation results in less funding for efficiency incentives and if it allows declining block and marginal rate structures which undermine the economics of efficiency projects by reducing the dollar value of energy savings. On the other hand, introducing competition will create new choices for energy users as well as new opportunities for both energy users and energy service companies (ESCOs) to work as partners to achieve environmental as well as cost saving objectives.

Energy users will need to develop a number of "green" strategies to maintain their conservation efforts in a deregulated market while taking advantage of reduced energy prices. These strategies include incorporating energy efficiency services in power purchases; us ing efficiency measures to shift, level and reduce electric loads (to help attract cheaper power); identifying rate structures which work in the marketplace but preserve efficiency incentives; and creating a "culture change" to shift to life-cycle cost/benefit evaluation of energy conservation projects. These endeavors lend themselves to creative partnerships with traditional energy efficiency ESCOs and with ESCOs which have expanded their offerings to include power sales.

With choice comes responsibility, and at least some larger energy users will want to buy electricity from less polluting sources. ESCOs can develop a portfolio of clean power sources and provide this product, or they can serve a consultant's role and help energy users learn and use the market to buy clean power. ESCOs which develop these value-added capabilities will serve the public interest while occupying an advantageous and profitable marketing niche.


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Author Biographies

Robert A. Kennedy, P.E., CE.M. Vice President CES/Way

Bob Kennedy, P.E., CEM, is a vice president of CES/Way in Albany, NY. For the past 7 years he has been responsible for developing CES/Way's Energy Service projects in New York and New England. Functions include engineering audits, design, financing. construction, startup and ongoing monitoring. With CES/Way, he has constructed over $65 million in comprehensive energy performance projects. Over $50 million of this was for public sector customers including federal,state, county and local gove rnments as well as public school districts.

Bob has a BSME degree from Union College, is a licensed profe ssional eng inee r, a Cert ified Ene rgy Manager, a member of ASHRAE and is a cha r ter member of the Associa tion of Ene rgy Engineers.

Robert A. Kennedq, P.E., C.E.M., Vicc President, CES/Way, 11 CC/ltury Hill Drive, Latham, NY 12110; 518-783-8300; fax 518-783-1120;

Walter Simpson, C.E.M., C L. E.P. Energy Officer, Facilities Management State University of New York at Buffalo

Walter Simpson, C.E.M., C.E.L.P., is energy officer for the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), dir ectin g and coordinating a campus energy conse rva tion program which has prod uced ove r $60 million in cumulative sav ings. In this position since 1982, he hold s master s degrees in philosophy and en vironmental studies from UB. Walter served as Uni ver sity project man ager for UB's $17 mill ion CES/Way dem and-sid e management project which won 1997 "Projec t of the Year" from the Association of Ene rgy Eng ineers. He also was hon ored as 1998 "Ene rgy Manager of the Year" by the New York Chapt er of the AEE.

Walter teaches environmental studies courses at UB. He has published numerou s art icles in his field, and is now working with Erie County, NY, to develop an ene rgy action plan to reduce energy consu mption in county buildings by 20 percent in the next 5 years.

Walter Simpson, C.E.M., CL.f.P., Ellcrgt) Officer, Facilities Mallagement, SUNY Buffalo, 133 He/m Building, P.O. 607110, Buffalo, NY 1426071 00; 716-829-25 15; fax 716-829-3895; e ll




How to Cite

Kennedy, R. A. ., & Simpson, W. . (2023). Green Power, Energy Conservation, And Cost Savings. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 19(1), 6–22. Retrieved from


