University of Virginia's Award-winning Energy-efficiency Program
UVA 's award-winning energy program ha s included lighting ret-
rofits and upgrade s chilled w ater conn ections ... occup an cy sen-
sors .. . LED exit signs insulated heating pip es.
An annual sav ings of mor e than $415,000 was mad e from the
work accomplished in 1997-98 alone. Lighting retrofits and upgrade s
in 10 buildings accounted for $110,000 of the savings. Since becoming
a Green Light s partner , UVA ha s upgraded lighting in 58 buildings-
that' s 38 percent of space or more than three million square feet. A
new chilled water lin e connection between the Chemi stry Building
and UVA's chiller plant in 1998 saved $263,500. The install ation of
occupancy sen sors sa ved $7200 and LED exit signs saved $12,200.