Yale University's Complex "Central Building Utilities Metering System" (CBUMS)


  • Viktor Baed CEM Manager of Plant Engineering Yale University


"CBUMS," the metering system at Yale University , encomp asses
supp ly n etwork s for electrical, steam /conden sate, and chill water. The
first of the two building areas covered by this cen tralized metering sys -
tem is (YSM)- the Yale School of Medicine, in the Medical School Area,
which manag es its own operations and maintenance. Included in the
YSM area is the Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH) which is an inde-
p end ent health care organization adjacent to YSM. Steam and chill wa-
ter for YSM and YNHH are generated in Yale's Sterling Power Plant,
and electricity is pur chased from the local utility c ompany , United Illu-
min atin g.
In the second a rea-th e Central /Science ar ea-el ectr ical, steam /
conde ns ate, an d chill water are provided to the various building s from
Yale's Central Cogen eration Plant.
The Yale Utilities Dep artment manag es each of the respective gen-
erat ion an d distr ibution systems , and dev eloped CBUMS-th e Central
Meter ing Syst em-t o monitor all of them.


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Author Biography

Viktor Baed, CEM Manager of Plant Engineering Yale University

Viktor Baed, CEM, has a grad uate degree in electrical engineering from the Brno Technical Uni ver sity in the Czech Republic. As a consulting engineer he ha s designed building automa tion sys tems in Europ e and the U.S, and taught courses in electrical enginee ring at the Brno Techn ical Univ ersi ty as well as in Cairo, Egypt. Boed came to the U.s. in 1979 and worked as a product manager and a senio r research engineer for Johnson Controls, Inc. in Milwaukee, WI. He joined Yale Unive rs ity in 1983 as manager of building autom at ion and became man ager of plant enginee ring in 1989, where he is inv olved tod ay in design and implementation of automation sys tems for buildings, pow er pl ants, maintenance management systems, util ity metering sys tems , and a facilities real-time communications network. The Plant Eng in eering Division also is involved in implementation of ene rgy conse rvation proj ects, and review and approval of cap ital proj ects for the universi ty.

Boed is an active member of the Association of Energ y Engin eers and started the Connecticut AEE chapter. He is the recipi ent of the Energy Manager of the Year and the regional Energ y Engin eer of the Year awards , and is a frequent spea ker at World Energy Eng ineering Congresses and other professional conferences. He also is a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineer s (ASHRAE) and was on the ASHRAE SPC 135 commi ttee that developed the ANSI!ASHRAE Standard 135/1995, BACnet (a data committee protocol for build ing automa tion and controls network ). Viktor has published numerous techn ical paper s in various trade magazin es. He has also written two books, Efficien t DOC Systt.'ms Implementation, (Chil ton, 1996), and DOC Applica tions Engineering, (CRC Press, 1998).




How to Cite

Baed, V. . (2023). Yale University’s Complex "Central Building Utilities Metering System" (CBUMS). Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 19(1), 37–56. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20541


