Yale University's Complex "Central Building Utilities Metering System" (CBUMS)
"CBUMS," the metering system at Yale University , encomp asses
supp ly n etwork s for electrical, steam /conden sate, and chill water. The
first of the two building areas covered by this cen tralized metering sys -
tem is (YSM)- the Yale School of Medicine, in the Medical School Area,
which manag es its own operations and maintenance. Included in the
YSM area is the Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH) which is an inde-
p end ent health care organization adjacent to YSM. Steam and chill wa-
ter for YSM and YNHH are generated in Yale's Sterling Power Plant,
and electricity is pur chased from the local utility c ompany , United Illu-
min atin g.
In the second a rea-th e Central /Science ar ea-el ectr ical, steam /
conde ns ate, an d chill water are provided to the various building s from
Yale's Central Cogen eration Plant.
The Yale Utilities Dep artment manag es each of the respective gen-
erat ion an d distr ibution systems , and dev eloped CBUMS-th e Central
Meter ing Syst em-t o monitor all of them.