Managing Your Facility's Energy Needs in Competitive Energy Markets


  • Catherine Luthin Principal Associates-Energy Management Consulting
  • Sheila Sweeney Luthin Associates-Energy Management Consulting


The energy industry has undergone a fundamental change. De-
spite the fact that only a few states presently allow it, some marketers
are selling retail electricity, and offering new options to take advantage
of natural gas deregulation and demand side management (DSM). Al-
though you might be happy with your present energy prices and sup-
ply , such opportunities may have you wondering if you can do bet-
ter-and if you feel comfortable doing so.


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Author Biographies

Catherine Luthin, Principal Associates-Energy Management Consulting

Catherine Luthin serves as principal of Luthin Associates, an energy management consulting firm specializing in deregulated energy markets and consumer education. She serves also as executive director of the New York Energy Buyers Forum, an end-user and supplier coalition representing pro-deregulation interests in the New York area. Since 1992 she has worked with major end-users in the New York area from among municipal government, hospital, university, real estate and banking sectors to develop cost-saving fuel purchase programs.

She has been published in Energy User News, in the Cogeneration and Competitive Power [ournal, and has been featured in Crains New York Business and Fortune magazine in articles concerning New York area deregulation issues. She was a featured presenter at the World Energy Congress (hosted by the Association of Energy Engineers) and at an American Management Association Executive Forum. She was also on the panel of the summer 1998 electric contracting series managed by Infocast, Inc.

Catherine holds a master of business administration degree and a bachelor of science degree in marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Sheila Sweeney Luthin , Associates-Energy Management Consulting

Sheila Sweeney joined Luthin Associates in 1995. She is an energy management consultant specializing in energy procurement, database design and program development for competitive energy markets . Prior to joining the firm, she was director of the Energy Conservation Loan Program of the Department of Business Services, City of New York; a lending program designed to finance high-efficiency process equipment for small businesses. As an independent contractor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1990 to 1993, she was responsible for leveraging and managing over $18 million in third-party and ESCO efficiency investments in Commonwealth properties. She has worked with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the New York City Board of Education to improve energy efficiency in public construction and institutional capital investment projects. Ms. Sweeney holds a BA from Tufts University, and is enrolled in the Certified Energy Manager training course through the Association of Energ y Engineers. Luthin Associates, 38 Lake Drive, Ocean To wnship, N] 07112; (732)517-0449; fax 0985.




How to Cite

Luthin, C. ., & Luthin , S. S. . (2023). Managing Your Facility’s Energy Needs in Competitive Energy Markets . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(3), 19–26. Retrieved from


