Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs): Which Projects Should We Select?


  • Robert K. Hashide CEM, CLEP, CDSM Energy Managemen t Consultant


Completing an energy audit of a facility should provide us with
various candidate energy conservation measures (ECMs) . " Wh ich
Projects Should We Select?" is often asked. ECMs selected will be based
on your requirements, wants, needs and benefits.
This article discusses critical methodologies and procedures during
our selection process. Key steps include correct engineering and eco-
nomic analyses. The much used simple payback is shown to be a very
poor economic decision guide. If these analyses are not properly accom-
plished, inappropriate equipment and systems will be bought and in-
stalled. The result will lead to dire consequences. Information is pro-
vided to help energy managers and building owners make the right
decisions for selecting appropriate, cost- effective ECMs.


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Author Biography

Robert K. Hashide, CEM, CLEP, CDSM Energy Managemen t Consultant

Bob Hoshide, CEM, CLEP, is an energy management consultant. He retired after 37 years with Rocketdyne and is now known for his professional development workshops for energy management personnel. He has presented 45 energy management training courses, in 18 states and Washington, DC. Key areas covered include the importance of energy efficiency, starting an energy management program, energy auditing and monitoring, analysis and selection of energy efficiency projects, life-cycle cost, cost estimating, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance, technical engineering information and staying on top of technology.

From 1982 to 1994 he provided technical assistance to 27 states for the Institutional Conservation Program (ICP). He technically evaluated and monitored numerous energy efficiency projects and conducted building energy load analysis including on-site energy auditing and technical monitoring. He co-authored the Energy Management Guide for Government Buildings textbook and has presented numerous papers at various conferences. Mr. Hoshide has worked with the BPA, WAPA, PNNL and FEMP.

Robert K. Hoshide, Energy Management Consultant, 58483 Spring Creek Road, Montrose, CO 81401(970) 240-8227




How to Cite

Hashide, R. K. . (2023). Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs): Which Projects Should We Select?. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(3), 43–51. Retrieved from


