Financing Energy Efficiency Projects


  • Shirley J. Hansell Ph.D. Executive VP, Kiana International CEO, Hansen Associates
  • Jeannie C. Weismall President, Hansen Associates


Getting an energy project financed should be a shared effort
between the ESCO and the customer, but the perspectives are differ-
ent. It is the ESCO's responsibility to put together a bankable project .
The ESCO typically arranges the financing. Its reputation and history
often add surety, which offers financiers added confidence. The cus-
tomer usually incurs the debt and needs to know the financing op-
tions available. This article will first address what constitutes a bank -
able project from the ESCO perspective. Then, the types of financing
available to owners will be explored.
ESCO 's, who have been in this business for a few years, remem-
ber knocking on the financial doors until their knuckles were bloody.
Today, the financiers knock on the ESCO doors .. . if, and it's a big IF,
ESCOs can put together bankable projects.


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Author Biographies

Shirley J. Hansell, Ph.D. Executive VP, Kiana International CEO, Hansen Associates

Shirley Hansen is increas ing ly active in the in tern ational ESCO wo rld, ha vin g now worked in 22 countries in the past six yea rs. But she finds time to keep tab s on ESCO activities in the Ll.S. and is part icularly in trigued by the "rereg" scene and its impact on ESCOs. Shirl ey is executive vice president of Kiona International while she keeps her ties to Han sen Asso ciates as CEO. Both firms specialize in all facts of performance con tracting.

Jeannie C. Weismall , President, Hansen Associates

Jeannie C. Weisman, Presid ent, Hansen Associat es Inc., has experien ce and background that match well with the expanding role of performance- based contracting, not only as a valuable tool in the achievement of ene rgy efficient, but as a way to accomplish efficiencies in many othe r activities.

Jeannie was a "pioneer" of performance contracting. As manager of the Institu tional Conser vat ion Program for the Governor 's Office of Energy Resources for the state of Georgia, she became an early ad vocate for the use of performance contracting as a route to energy efficiency in state and local facilities. Recognizing the advantages of leveraging limited public resources through the innovative process she became nationally recognized for her work in Georgia. Speaking and writing about the programs she managed helped to establish performance contracting as a valuable tool available to institutions in need of energy efficiency help but short of budget.




How to Cite

Hansell, S. J. ., & Weismall , J. C. . (2023). Financing Energy Efficiency Projects . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(3), 69–79. Retrieved from


