DDC-The Attention Is on Communication


  • Brian K. Kammers P.E. Program Manager, Facility Management Systems Johnson Controls, Inc.


Open systems, connectivity, integration, interoperability and stan-
dards-in the last couple of years the marketing activity in the build-
ing control industry has focused on communication. At issue is the
ability of different building control systems to communicate using
standards and in turn talk with each other, a situation that clearly pro-
vides significant benefits for the owners of buildings. Since this has
been an issue for more than a decade, what caused this increase in
marketing expenditures and more importantly, a focused effort on
product development?
Many would point to the American Society of Heating, Refriger-
ating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) effort to develop a
communication protocol that resulted in a standard. Although the re-
lease of the BACnet standard was a watershed event, some credit
should also be given to the rise of another communication protocol.
The Echelon Corporation's LonWorks technology has provided
Lon'Talk, an alternative communication protocol that led to LonMark
interoperability standards.
If you are not involved with buildings, or the systems employed
in the control of buildings, you may have never heard of BACnet or
LonMark. Even if you are involved in the control or management of
buildings, you may not have had a chance to get beyond all the mes-
sages to understand the importance of the details of how different sys-
tems talk to each other. The world is constantly changing and the
building control industry is no different.
This article presents the current industry status and manufactur-
ers' approaches to this change. While protocols are important, the pur-
chaser of a building management system should remember the reasons
for having a system. Protocols, whether proprietary or open, are just
tools for accomplishing building control and management.


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Author Biography

Brian K. Kammers, P.E. Program Manager, Facility Management Systems Johnson Controls, Inc.

Brian K. Kammers, P.E., is the program manager for Facility Management Systems at Johnson Controls, Inc. His responsibilities include the global marketing of the Metasys Facility Management System and the expansion of the Metasys Compatible Product list. In addition he is responsible for several co-marketing relationships and the promotion of Intelligent Building Systems.

Mr. Kammers has 17 years of industry experience. He received his bachelor's degree in engineering materials and industrial engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He earned his masters degree in business management from Vanderbilt University.

He is a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., and serves on the Society's Technical Committee for Computer Applications. He is also a member of the Association of Energy Engineers and holds a professional engineer license in Wisconsin.

Johnson Controls, Inc., 507 Each Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0423; (414) 274-5985; fax 4400; brian.k.krammers@jci.com; URL: www.jci.com




How to Cite

Kammers, B. K. . (2023). DDC-The Attention Is on Communication . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(2), 25–38. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20619


