Environmental Externalities From Energy Sources: A Review in the Context of Global Climate Change


  • Ashok Sarkar Resource Management Associates of Ivuuiison, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  • Niels Wolter MSB Energy Associates, Inc. Middleton, Wisconsin, USA


Environmental (or externality> costs, which result from the harm-
ful impacts on the environment of energy production and use, were
given considerable emphasis by a number of State Legislatures in the
United States several years ago. Electricity costs were affected. Then,
for various reasons, the effort to relate environmental and electricity
costs moderated. But the concept now motivates the energy industry
toward much of the recent growing international attention to the
emerging risk of global climate change. This article provides the read-
ers an opportunity to revisit these issues to become aware of what
may, in the near future, influence their strategic energy and environ-
mental plans.


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Author Biographies

Ashok Sarkar, Resource Management Associates of Ivuuiison, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Dr. Ashok Sarkar is interested in energy planning and policy issues, and their interactions with the environment. At Resource Management Associates of Madison, Inc., an international energy and environmental consulting firm in Madison (Wisconsin), he is currently involved in the development of energy efficiency projects and DSM programs in China and Armenia, and the assessment of the impact of sulfur emissions- based aerosols on global climate change. An engineer by undergraduate training, Dr. Sarkar has a masters degree in energy planning and polic y from the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand) and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. Sarkar can be contacted at: Resource Management Associates of Madison, Inc., 202 State Street, Suite # 303, Madison, Wisconsin 53703, USA; Phone: 608-283-2880; Fax: 608-283-2881; E-Mail: ASarkar@rma.com

Niels Wolter , MSB Energy Associates, Inc. Middleton, Wisconsin, USA

Mr. Niels Wolter is an associate with MSB Energy Associates, Inc., a consulting firm based in Middleton (Wisconsin), specializing in the domestic energy regulatory, environmental and renewable energy issues. He is interested in the techno-economic analysis of energy efficiency, developing business plans for energy products and services, and developing appropriate responses to global warming. Mr. Wolter has graduate degrees in geology from the Louisiana State University and in energy analysis and policy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Neils Wolter can be reached at: MSB Energy Associates, Inc., 7507 Hubbard Avenue, Suite # 200, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562, USA; Phone: 608-831-1127; Fax: 608-836-1290; E-Mail: Wolter@MSBnrg.com




How to Cite

Sarkar, A. ., & Wolter , N. . (2023). Environmental Externalities From Energy Sources: A Review in the Context of Global Climate Change . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(2), 55–63. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20625


