A New Monitoring System Cuts Costs Two Ways • Optimizes Compressed Air System Efficiency • Same System Identifies, Tracks, and Allocates Peak Demand Costs


  • Willialll A Holmes P.E., CEM President Ut iliTRACK Corporation


In 1994, Thomson Consumer Electronics (RCA), an international
manufacturer of electronics equipment, purchased a UtiliTRACK :BJ
Monitoring System for a plant in Indianapolis, Indiana. The system
monitored gas and electric meters, substations, main feeders, and ma-
jor equipment and systems including compressed air. For the com-
pressed air system, monitored data included compressor amps, electri-
cal demand and consumption , pressure and airflow.
The resulting Util,TRACK @reports and graphs showed a signifi-
cant variation in system efficiency depending upon the demand for air
(day of week, time of day, production schedule) and which compressor
or compressors were operating . By working with the boiler plant op-
erators and making minor modifications to the existing compressor
controls, the operating sequence was modified to maintain high sys-
tem efficiency under all operating conditions. Monitored data after the
changes were made showed a 20% reduction in compressed air system
operating costs.


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Author Biography

Willialll A Holmes, P.E., CEM President Ut iliTRACK Corporation

Bill Holmes is presid ent of UtiliTRACK Corporation, in Columbus, Indiana. After five years with a consulting firm doing ene rgy audits and design ing improvements, he taught for six years in Purdue's Mechanical Engi nee ring Technology Program. In 1979 he founded UtiliTRACK Corporati on whi ch designs and install s utility monitoring systems in large industrial iacilities. UtiliTRACK has received award s from the State oi Indiana for achievement in ene rgy efficiency as well as a U.s. Department oi Ene rgy Award ior Ene rgy Innovati on. Bill hold s B.5. and M.5. degrees in mechan ical engineering, and is a registered Professional Eng ineer and a Certi fied Ene rgy Manager. He is a regular lecturer in the Continuing Ed uca tion Ene rgy Management Program at the University of Wiscons in and has published and spoken extensively about his work. William A Holmes, P.E., Presid ent , Ut iliTRACK Corporation , 931 25th St ree t, Co lum bus, IN -I7201; (812)376-6033, FAX 812-378-9735; wwvv. utilitr ack.corn




How to Cite

Holmes, W. A. . (2023). A New Monitoring System Cuts Costs Two Ways • Optimizes Compressed Air System Efficiency • Same System Identifies, Tracks, and Allocates Peak Demand Costs. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(1), 6–24. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20629


