Reducing Operating Costs Stoker Boilers With Natural Gas Cafiring


  • John R. Puskar P.E. President CEC Consuliants, file.


Na tura l gas cofiring in stoker boilers is now coming of age and
ma turi ng as an off-the -she lf tool to impro ve the eco no mics of sto ke r
bo iler firing . Thi s article see ks to revie w the five most po pul ar econo m ic
d rivers related to ope rating cos t re du ction s available th rou gh n atur a l gas


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Author Biography

John R. Puskar, P.E. President CEC Consuliants, file.

John R. Puskar, P.E., is president of CEC Consultants, Inc.. in Clevelan d, Ohio. Mr. Puskar hold s a bachelor's degree in mechani cal engineering from Youngstow n State University and an MBA from the Wea therhead Schoo l at Case Western Reserve Univer sity. Mr. Puskar 's firm is contrac ted wi th The Indust rial Cen ter, Inc., Arling ton, VA, to provide technical market ing agen t services to the cofiring ind ustry. The Industrial Center's Executive Director, Mr. Bruc e Hedman, Ph.D., represents a consortium of natural gas util ities incl uding East Ohio Gas, Indian a Gas, Northern Indiana Public Services, MichCo n, Consolida ted Natural Gas and Columbia Gas of Ohio in this effor t. John Puskar, President, CEC Con sultants, 6907 Brookpark Road , Cleveland, OH 44129; (216)749-2992; FAX 398-8403




How to Cite

Puskar, J. R. . (2023). Reducing Operating Costs Stoker Boilers With Natural Gas Cafiring. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(1), 34–43. Retrieved from


