Electric Utility Trends-and How Customers Will Benefit


  • Richard J. Rudden President R.J. Rudden Associates


What's ahead for the electric industry? What sort of changes are
already taking place? How will energy users profit from the se changes?
And how will changes in electric utility structures affect the natural gas
industr y?
Here are some observations and predictions: There is an accelerat-
ing trend towards the vertical disaggregation of utility functions into
organizationally , and /or legally separate GENCOs, TRANSCOs ,
DISCOs and ESCOs. As in Gestalt therapy, once the whole is broken
down and traditional relationships sundered, we believe the pieces will
be reaggregated into healthier and larger organizational entities: utility
consolidations will continue; GENCOs will grow through utility GENCO
and IPP mergers; broader regional TRANSCOs will emerge ; larger
DISCOs will be created through horizontal mergers; and LDCs will
merge with DISCOs to form EDCOs (energy distribution companies)
who will distribute both natural gas and electricity.


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Author Biography

Richard J. Rudden, President R.J. Rudden Associates

Richard J. Rudden, president of R.J. Rudden Associates, is a na tionally recognized utility expert with more than 20 years of experience in executive, management, technical, and consulting positions within the electric, independent energy and natural gas industries. During the last decade, he has been extensively engaged in a variety of strategic planning, product definition, market analysis, financial analysis, and organizational assignments pertaining to the restructuring of the electric and natural gas industries. He has been engaged by a variety of utility and non-utility energy companies to assist in the development of their strategic, marketing and pri cing plans, as well as to facilitate their ow n intern al strategic planning and product development processes.

Prior to founding R.J. Rudden Associates, Inc. in 1981, Mr. Rudden was vice president of Rate and Regul atory Ser vices at Stone & Webs ter Management Consultan ts, Inc. an d man ager of the Rate Design Division at Con Edison. He is a member of the Califo rnia Competitive Electric Markets Working Gro up and its marke t power subgroup. He is also a member of the Rate Committee of the American Gas Association (A G.A ), is an AG.A Financia l and Marketing Associa te, and has been a facult y member at the AG.A.'s Adv ance d Regul atory Semina r at the Univ er sity of Maryland. A lecturer at numerous othe r symposia, Mr. Rudden is a member of the Edison Electric Institute, the Corporate Planning Round table of Business Economists, and the Associa tion of Energy Serv ice Professionals.




How to Cite

Rudden, R. J. . (2023). Electric Utility Trends-and How Customers Will Benefit . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(2), 18–22. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20689


