Should Energy Users Pay for Their Utilities' Stranded Costs?


  • Leonard S. Hyman CFA Senior Industry Advisor Smith Barneu


Millions of senior citizen shareholders are happy: Electric utility
stocks are selling near their historic highs, having completely recovered
from the big dere gulation-competition scare of 1993-1994. Why worr y?
Regulators ha ve mad e a solemn promi se: Nobod y will lose out when
comp etition comes, least of all the shareholders.
High-cost electric utiliti es, of course, face the same problem as did
other high -cost equated indu stries at the onset of competition. Once
ene rgy users, wh o are their customers, can choose their suppliers, utili-
ties won 't be able to charge mor e for electricity than the competitive
market pr ice. The high-cost utiliti es w ill argue that they incurred their
costs at the behe st of regulators wh o ordered them to buy overpriced
power from favored generators, who pr evented them from marketing
their product , and wh o demand ed support of costly social and environ-
mental pro gram s. They will claim that their colossally expensive nuclear
po wer sta tions we re constructed at a time when the nation's lead ers
sough t to reduce air pollution and min imize our reliance on foreign oil
supplies, and that they built pow er plants de signed to burn go vernment-
favored-rath er than economical-fu els.
Chan ging the rule s of the gam e now and leaving the ut ilities hang-
ing seems unfair becau se, after all, they argue, they wer e onl y acting as
good citizens.
All tru e, but ene rgy users don 't care. They kno w that new, small,
clean , mod ern gene ra ting plants produc e electricity at costs below what
man y utilities charge. The y know that the next gen er ation of power
plants w ill produc e at still lower costs. They sur ely know that, with the
oversupp ly that exists, the y can buy electricity on the spot market at
even lower pric es


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Author Biography

Leonard S. Hyman, CFA Senior Industry Advisor Smith Barneu

Leonard S. Hyman, CFA, is a senio r ind us try advisor to Smith Barney. Previo usly he was mana ging director of Fulcrum Internat ional Ltd ., as well as an ind ependent consultant specializing in the economics and finan ces of ene rgy and telecommunicat ions util ities. Mr. Hyman has written and spo ken on ut ility fina nce and deregulation , pr esenting paper s on three continents. He has test ified before Congress, served on four ad visory panels for the Ll.S. Congress Office of Techn ology Assessment, and on one for the Nationa l Science Foundation. He was a member of task forces on electric utility efficiency for Pennsy lvania and on fusion and other energy sources for NASA. He is on adv isory boards for the Electric Power Research Institute and EXNET, and on the editorial board of Forumfor Applied Research and Public Policy. Autho r of America 's Electric Utilities: Past, Present and Future, coautho r of The New Telecommunications Indllstry Eoolution and Organization and ed itor of The Privatization of Public Utilities, he has contributed to othe r boo ks and to professional journals.




How to Cite

Hyman, L. S. . (2023). Should Energy Users Pay for Their Utilities’ Stranded Costs?. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(2), 37–40. Retrieved from


