Daylighting in Schools Energy Costs Reduced ... Student Performance Improved


  • Michael H. Nicklas AlA, President
  • Gary B. Bailey AlA , Vice President Innovative Design


The following stud y ana lyzes the energy performan ce a nd cost of
d aylit schoo ls designed by Innovat ive Design in John ston Co un ty, Nor th
Car olina. The an alysis com pares the first-year ene rgy performa nces of
thr ee da ylit schoo ls with similar but non-daylit scho ols in the coun ty.
The tw o daylit middle schoo ls (Selma , Clay ton) wer e comp leted in the
sprin g of 1993 and the comparison y ear wa s July of 1993 th rou gh Jun e
of 1994. The othe r schoo l (Four Oak s) was com pleted in Aug us t of 1990
and the first year of collected da ta wa s 1991-92.
In addition to the th ree daylit schools listed above, cost infor ma tion
is also pr ovided on two other day lit schoo ls in the same area


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Author Biographies

Michael H. Nicklas, AlA, President

Michael H. Nicklas, AlA , is presid ent of the architectural-engineering firm Innovat ed Design, located in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is past chairman of the American Solar Ene rgy Society, immediate pa st president of the International Solar Ene rgy Society, and a director of the Passive Solar Industr y Council. As part of his contributions to global sustainability, he has compiled technical information to support renewable energy acti vitie s, and organized a series of international conferences on sustainable energy. Mr. Nicklas has served on the Renewable Ene rgy Advisory Board of the U.s. Office of Technology Assessment; the Steering Committee of the AlE Committee on the Environment; and an Advisory Committee for the Unit ed Nations Programme.

Gary B. Bailey, AlA , Vice President Innovative Design

Gary B. Bailey, AlA , Vice President, Innovative Design, ha s been appointed to the Governor's Energy Conser vation Corps, State of North Carolina; to the North Carolin a State Facilities Ene rgy Task Force, and is Chairman, NCAIA Ene rgy Committee. He is a member of the American Solar Energy Society and is a pa st director of Passive Archi tecture of the International Sola r Energy Society.


Averages and Summaries of California Achiev ement Tests and End-Of-

Grade Tests , Hannah Youngblood, Director of Testing, Johnston

Count y School s, Decemb er, 1995

Report Card-1995 : The State of School Systems in. North Carolina, NC

Department of Public Instruction, December, 1995

"A Stud y Into the Effects of Light on Children of Elemen tary School

Age-A Cas e of Daylight Robbery," Hathawa y, Hargrea ves, Th-

om pson, and Novitsky, Policy and Planning Branch , Planning and

Information Servic es Division, Alberta Ed ucation, January, 1992.




How to Cite

Nicklas, M. H. ., & Bailey, G. B. . (2023). Daylighting in Schools Energy Costs Reduced . Student Performance Improved. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(2), 41–61. Retrieved from


