Whole Building Energy Efficiency: A Long but Fruitful "Row to Hoe"
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Whole Building Energy Efficiency:
A Long but Fruitful "Row to Hoe"
Jam es P. Waltz, P.E., C.E.M., Pre sident,
Energy Resource Associates, lnc., Charter Member , A EE
Whole building energy efficiency is an interesting idea in an indus-
try that sometimes seems mesmerized by a myr iad of c ompeting tech-
nologies. Ideally, whole building energy efficiency would m ean that all
the energ y using systems in a building would be opt imized in terms of
their own design energ y requirements, optimiz ed in terms of the way
they were operat ed, and optimized in t erms of how they are int egrated
with other building systems.
Theoretically, the perfect time to do all this is when the building is
being designed in the first place. However, given the pace of new con-
struction during the past decade, the buildings that really count (an d are
the focus of our consultancy) are the existing building s, not the ones yet
to be built or are in the process of being built. Because existing buildings
represent a "d irty" rather than a "clean sheet of paper ," they represent a
truly unique challenge for the energy engineer and the energy retrofit
Energy Resource Associates, Inc. is in a unique position to com-
ment on the sub ject of whole building energy efficiency. The history of
the firm includes the development and start-up of energy servi ces firms,
providing investigation, design and commissioning services to energy
services companies, the development of en erg y management programs
and strategies for building owners with large real estate portfolios, ex-
pert witness services for en ergy serv ices companie s, building owners
and utility compan ies, development of building and technology-specific
energy retrofit projects for building owners, monitoring and evaluation
of energy retrofit and demand-side managem ent program s, and d esign
and manag ement of energy-related proj ects including lighting fixture
retrofit, lighting control, HVAC retrofit, building automation and digital
controls (including commissioning), central cooling plant upgrades and
cogenera tion