When Firms Publicize Energy Management Projects Their Stock Prices Go Up


  • John R. Wingender Associa te Professor of Finance
  • Eric A. Woodroof Project Coordinator, Industrial Assessment Center Oklahoma State University


The potential for incr eased profits via cos t- reduc ing Ene rgy Man age-
m ent Projects (EMPs) exists in nearly all firms. Howe ver , wh en allocat-
ing capital, pr iority is often given to reoe nue-enhancing projects, such as
starting new product lines or joint v enture s.
Fre quen tly, these pro jects are perceived to be superior to EMPs,
even though the y ma y yield the same increased profit and pre sent value.
A justificati on is that revenue-enhancin g projects are more likel y to attract
publi city and investor att ention. Investor speculation and reaction to an-
n oun cem ent s can inc reas e the f irm's stock price. Most EMPs d o not gen-
era te as mu ch publi city as joint v enture s or new product lines.
If "p ublicity-gaining " potential is a decision factor durin g project
selection, then a new p roduct line or joint-venture would usually be
selected over an EMP. But is this a fair compar ison? There ha s not been
any research to det ermine if an EMP announcemen t increases a f irm 's
stock pri ce. In theory, it sho uld- because most EMPs increase profits
(via cost reduction inst ead of increa sed revenues). From a cash flow per-
spe ctive, an EMP is equi valent to an y other profit- enhancing project.


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Author Biographies

John R. Wingender, Associa te Professor of Finance

John R. Wingender is an Associate Professor of Finance and the Ardmore Professor of Busine ss Administration at Oklahoma State Univers ity. His teaching and research interests are in International Finance, Investments, and Event Studies. He taught at the International Management Center in Budapest, Hungary, in 1993 on a Fullbright Award. He has won numerous research and teaching awards. His research has been published in many quality bu siness journals such as: Managel1lent Science, Tile Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and International Relations. He hopes to work on future interdisciplinary proj ects.

Eric A. Woodroof, Project Coordinator, Industrial Assessment Center Oklahoma State University

Eric A. Woodroof is the pr oject coordinator for the Oklahoma Industrial Assessment Cent er. He is working on a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and management at Oklahoma State University , where he received a Presid ential Fellowship for Energy, Water and the Environmen t. While earning a 4.0 GPA during his master's de gree studies, he developed a screening procedure for lighting energy conser vati on measures. Mr. Woodroof is the author of the lighting chapter in the Energy Management Handbook 3rd Edi tiOl l.

Mr. Woodroof has a BSin physics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an MS in environmental sciences from Oklahoma State University. He hopes to graduate in 1998 and contin ue consulting in the industrial energy and environmental arena. His PhD. dis sertation inv olves financing facility improvement projects.




How to Cite

Wingender, J. R. ., & Woodroof, E. A. . (2023). When Firms Publicize Energy Management Projects Their Stock Prices Go Up . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(1), 38–51. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20709


