Integrative Problem-Solving: The Basis of Modern R&D


  • Richard L. Rudman Senior Vice President and Chief Opemting Officer Electric Power Resea rch Institute


Profess or Jam es J. Win ebrak e ar gue s compelling ly the need for
we ll-rounde d, technological problem- solver s capable of inte grating as-
pects of man y di sciplines into their expertise. He calls for an " in tegrated
science and technology" curriculum that reflect s the ver y real and urgent
chan ges we in technology-driven industr ies like electric pow er curr entl y
From its inception more than a centur y ag o, the electric power in-
du str y ha s been shaped by technological innovation . And innovations
ha ve often come from the un expected con vergence of seeming ly di spar-
ate field s. But toda y, an unpr eced ented number of d isciplines are repre -
sen ted in the gen eration, delivery, and use of electr ic power-from elec-
trical and chemical eng inee ring to nuclear ph ysics, com pu ter sciences,
telec ommuni cat ions, regulatory policy,


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Author Biography

Richard L. Rudman, Senior Vice President and Chief Opemting Officer Electric Power Resea rch Institute

Richard L. (Ric) Rudman is senior vice president and chief operating officer of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the science and technology consortium for the electricity industry, in Palo Alto, California. He is responsible for developing and carrying out EPRI's business plan to meet corporate goals and members' expectations. The vice presidents of EPRI's five technical groups report to this position. Mr. Rudman, who had been serving as EPRI's senior vice president of corporate services, rejoined EPRI in 1989 after two years as president and chief operating officer of Aster Publishing, a publisher of eight scientific business trade magazines. He originally joined EPRI in 1973 as assistant to the president, held increasingly responsible positions, and in 1983 became vice president of EPRI's industry relations and information services. His contributions in the past include creating a member services organization, developing technology transfer assistance for member utilities, upgrading the Institute's computer system to meet rapidly growing information needs, and leading the development of EPRI's Tailored Collaboration and Progressive Flexibility programs. The author of numerous publications, Mr. Rudman holds a B.s. and M.5. in nuclear engineering from UCLA and has served on several technical and information exchange committees. In 1995, he was elected to serve as chair of the Council of Consortia, an organization of chief executive and senior officers from the nation's leading research and de velopment and applied technology development consortia.




How to Cite

Rudman, R. L. . (2023). Integrative Problem-Solving: The Basis of Modern R&D. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 16(4), 50–60. Retrieved from


