Integrative Problem-Solving: The Basis of Modern R&D
Profess or Jam es J. Win ebrak e ar gue s compelling ly the need for
we ll-rounde d, technological problem- solver s capable of inte grating as-
pects of man y di sciplines into their expertise. He calls for an " in tegrated
science and technology" curriculum that reflect s the ver y real and urgent
chan ges we in technology-driven industr ies like electric pow er curr entl y
From its inception more than a centur y ag o, the electric power in-
du str y ha s been shaped by technological innovation . And innovations
ha ve often come from the un expected con vergence of seeming ly di spar-
ate field s. But toda y, an unpr eced ented number of d isciplines are repre -
sen ted in the gen eration, delivery, and use of electr ic power-from elec-
trical and chemical eng inee ring to nuclear ph ysics, com pu ter sciences,
telec ommuni cat ions, regulatory policy,