Steam Trap Maintenance As A Profit Center
Probably one of the most overlooked profit centers in industrial
management strategy is savings in energy costs. Every $1 in certified energy
savings is often worth over $10 in increased sales . The author has found
from actual practice that there is big corporate profit in a shrewd, diligent
steam trap management program. He describes a way to restructure corpo-
rate handling of trap maintenance to tum it into a source of revenue.
Cited is a case history of building an intensive trap maintenance
program at a large, 4000 trap chemical plant. The previously "good"
maintenance program which was losing $565,000 per year in steam was
turned into a $485,000 per year cost savings. This article will also give the
steps that can in as few as 3 months generate over $125,000 annually in tax-
free cash per 1000 traps with an investment payback of 18 months or less.
The author is a businessman and energy management consultant who has
no connection whatever with steam trap sales or promotion
"Managing the Steam Trap Population," Yarway Corporation, Blue
Bell, Pennsylvania, 1988.
"At Robbins AF Base, Maintenance is Critical To Energy Efficiency,"
R.F. Szydlowski and J.5. Schliesing, Strategic Planningfor Energy and
the Environment, 1996, pp. 36-56.
Turner, Wayne C; et al, Energy Management Handbook, New York, John
Wiley & Sons, 1982, pp. 83102.