Energy Utilities: Partners with the HVAC Industry


  • William S. Fleming Business Development Manager Energy Systems Group Science Applications international Corporation


Electric and natural gas utility companies (energy utilities) are find-
ing themselves an increasingly competitive business environment. Com-
petition exits within the electric power industry, among electric and natu-
ral gas utilities, and with technological advancements such as natural gas
cooling and geothermal heat pumps. Competition is a major reason for
efforts to increase consumer satisfaction. No longer can energy utilities
succeed by providing energy as a product. To stay competitive, they must
provide value-added services to product offerings.
In response to competition, a difficult economy, environmental ac-
tion and government policies, marketing of cost-effective gas and electric
cooling equipment is an important energy utility corporate strategy. En-
ergy and cost-effective cooling systems (e.g., air conditioning) in new,
retrofit and replacement construction are a means to be competitive and
reduce capital expenditures on power plants, and electric or natural gas
This article will propose formation of a partnership between energy
utilities and the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) indus-
try. The industrial partnership is a way to solve energy and environmen-
tal problems, provide benefits to both industries, and reduce consumer
operating costs


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Author Biography

William S. Fleming, Business Development Manager Energy Systems Group Science Applications international Corporation

William S. Fleming has more than 25 years' experience with heating, ventila ting and air conditioning (HVAC) technology, energy efficienc y, ren ewable resources and demand-sid e management engineering services to utilities, industry, government, and commerce. Mr. Fleming's education and expe rience provide a broad knowledge of issue s on the subject of energy efficiency for utilities, utility consumers, the HVAC and construction ind ustry, and building owners /management. Mr. Fleming has worked closely with major utiliti es and commercial! industrial firm s involved in cost-effective utili zation of energy.

For his professional services to the HVAC, construction, building owner/ management, and electric/gas utility industry, Mr. Fleming has received national recognition such as:

Fellowship - American Society Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry (ASHRAE).

Energy Managers Hall of Fame - The Association of Energy Engin eer 's highest award, November 1995.

Charter Member, Association of Energ y Engine ers (AEE) ASHRAE Certification of Appreciation - Chairman, Technical Committee 9.6 (Systems Energy Utilization); Technical Committee 6.8 (Solar Ene rgy Utilization)

ASH RAE Certification of Appreciation - Chairman, Na tional Program Committee

Chairman ASHRAE 90 Ad Hoc Committee

ASHRAE Representative - National Academy of Scienc es and American Institute of Architects

Center for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET) -Member, Ll.S. Steering Committee




How to Cite

Fleming, W. S. . (2023). Energy Utilities: Partners with the HVAC Industry. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 16(3), 39–45. Retrieved from


