Energy Utilities: Partners with the HVAC Industry
Electric and natural gas utility companies (energy utilities) are find-
ing themselves an increasingly competitive business environment. Com-
petition exits within the electric power industry, among electric and natu-
ral gas utilities, and with technological advancements such as natural gas
cooling and geothermal heat pumps. Competition is a major reason for
efforts to increase consumer satisfaction. No longer can energy utilities
succeed by providing energy as a product. To stay competitive, they must
provide value-added services to product offerings.
In response to competition, a difficult economy, environmental ac-
tion and government policies, marketing of cost-effective gas and electric
cooling equipment is an important energy utility corporate strategy. En-
ergy and cost-effective cooling systems (e.g., air conditioning) in new,
retrofit and replacement construction are a means to be competitive and
reduce capital expenditures on power plants, and electric or natural gas
This article will propose formation of a partnership between energy
utilities and the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) indus-
try. The industrial partnership is a way to solve energy and environmen-
tal problems, provide benefits to both industries, and reduce consumer
operating costs