The Impact of Green Finance on Clean Power Generation: Evidence Based on China


  • Ziwei Yan Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Chunying Cui Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
  • Chenjia Liao Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China



Green finance, clean power generation, carbon emission reduc- tion, energy consumption


In order to test whether green finance at the provincial level can promote clean power generation (CPG) to promote clean power energy, this paper, based on the China provincial panel data from 2003 to 2018 and takes a sample of 30 provinces. The study finds that the credit supply in green finance can effectively promote CPG proportion. Furthermore, the promotion effect of CPG is more indeterminate in the provinces with large power output, while those with large power input are relatively small. This paper explains the above conclusions from the perspective of primary energy production and CPG structure: (1) Main new power generation capacity is clean energy in the huge energy consumption provinces, the effect of green finance is outstanding; (2) In provinces with the large coal-burning production, which are restricted by the industrial structure and energy structure, the effect of green finance on promoting CPG is not apparent, and the energy saving and emission reduction of traditional thermal power units are still the main focus.


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Author Biographies

Ziwei Yan , Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Ziwei Yan is a Bachelor student at the Wenhua College in Wuhan since autumn 2019. She was invited as the expert of China Society of Emerging Economics (CSEE) to analyze the trade potential issues between China VS. resource export countries in November 2021. Yan is currently completing the Bachelor degree in International Economics and Trade at Wenhua College, and considering to develop the new study of clean production and green energy.

Chunying Cui , Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Chunying Cui is an Associate Professor at the Wenhua College at Wuhan since autumn 2019. He attended the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China where he received Ph.D. in Economics. resource export countries in November 2021. Cui has contributed some literature achievements about causal inference in Environmental Economics and Ecology Economics. He is currently establishing the Research Center of Digital Economics, and focus the digitalization procession in energy industrial.

Chenjia Liao , Department of Economics and Management, Wenhua College, room 417, 8 Wenhuayuan Road, East Lake New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Chenjia Liao is a Bachelor student at the Wenhua College in Wuhan since autumn 2018. Liao is currently completing the Bachelor degree in International Economics and Trade at Wenhua College, devoting herself to developing the study of digital economy and business environment and continuing to explore the role of the digital economy in facilitating trade.


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How to Cite

Yan , Z. ., Cui , C. ., & Liao , C. . (2023). The Impact of Green Finance on Clean Power Generation: Evidence Based on China . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 40(4), 421–436.


