A Decomposition Analysis of Algeria’s Residential Energy Consumption Change: (2000–2020)





Residential energy consumption, decomposition analysis, LMDI methodology, energy subsidy


Between 2000 and 2020, the residential sector’s share of Algeria’s final energy consumption was 62.20% and 46.05% respectively; this was much higher than the global average of 31%. This enables us to comprehend the factors that contribute to the rise in energy consumption in the residential sector and to carry out a quantitative analysis to determine the extent to which energy efficiency reduces energy consumption in the sector between 2000 and 2020. To accomplish this, we employ the decomposition analysis approach by using the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI). The results of the study showed that the energy subsidy factor had a strong impact on increasing residential energy consumption in Algeria, compared to the population growth factor. In addition, the energy intensity factor and the economic structure factor did not help reduce energy consumption levels. According to these findings, Algerian public policymakers should strictly implement the national energy program Horizon 2030 by rationalising energy use, eliminating subsidies gradually, and monitoring the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the residential sector.


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Author Biographies

Maamar Traich, Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Tamanghasset, Algeria

Maamar Traich was born on November 30, 1982 in Chlef, Algeria Graduated from the University of Chlef in 2010 with a magister’s degree in money and banking and holds a doctorate degree in economics from the University of Biskra in 2020 I am currently a professor in the Department of Economic Sciences at Tamanghasse University since 2010, my research interests are: energy economics, natural resources economics, environmental economics, Energy efficiency.

Amal Rahmane, Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Mohamed Khider, Biskra, Algeria

Amal Rahmane was born in April 1983. She is a full professor at the department of economics at Biskra University, Algeria. Her research interests involve environmental economics, energy economics, economic development, economic analysis, and macroeconomics


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How to Cite

Traich, M. ., & Rahmane, A. . (2023). A Decomposition Analysis of Algeria’s Residential Energy Consumption Change: (2000–2020). Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 43(01), 151–176. https://doi.org/10.13052/spee1048-5236.4317


