Forecasting of Solar Irradiation Based on the Deep Learning Model Using Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Technique
Since solar energy plants have been developing so quickly in recent years, accurate solar power forecasting plays a significant role in contemporary intelligent grid systems and setup a bilateral contract negotiation between suppliers and customers. This paper introduces a novel three-step method for predicting two-channel solar irradiance that combines cutting-edge techniques like Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory, Wasserstein Generative adversarial Networks and Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with adaptive noise. This methodology that is being suggested involves a framework of decomposition integration which allows for the effective isolation of the solar output signal into sub-sequences that are simple and can be differentiated based on their unique frequency disparities. This is achieved after the subsequences have been separated, and then they are subjected to individual prediction models. The high subsequences are predicted using the WGAN model, while the low subsequences are forecasted using the Bi-LSTM model. This approach ensures the specific characteristics of each subsequence are captured in the prediction process. The experimental result shows that the proposed model surpasses the performance of the suboptimal model in terms of evaluation metrics: RMSE, MAPE and R2. Compared to the suboptimal model, the RMSE, MAPE of all seasons
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