Impact Factor 0.7
From the Web of Science Journal Citation Reports®
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This special issue aims to collect contributions addressing the state of the art of the researches to improve the more important figures of merit of reluctance machines (i.e. power density, efficiency, torque ripple) to fill the gap with the IPMSMs.
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SPECIAL ISSUE: ACES-Orlando Conference 2024
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SPECIAL ISSUE: Finite Difference Methodologies for Microwave, Optical and Photonics, and Superconducting Device Design
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SPECIAL ISSUE: Metamaterials and Metadevices for Integrated Sensing, Imaging, and Communication
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Impact Factor 0.7
From the Web of Science Journal Citation Reports®
ISSN: 1943-5711 (Online Version)
ISSN: 1054-4887 (Print Version)
Indexed in:
Engineering Index
SCIE ( Impact Factor 0.8)
The Research Alert
Current Contents/Engineering
Computing & Technology