Active Metamaterial Transmission Line with Gain in SiGe BiCMOS Technology
Active, CRLH TL, metamaterial, SiGe BiCMOSAbstract
We report the realization of an active composite right/left-handed (CRLH) metamaterial transmission line (TL) with gain. By employing the transistors in SiGe BiCMOS technology, an active CRLH TL has been realized exhibiting net gain, wideband and flat S-parameter characteristics. Effective electromagnetic parameters of the active CRLH TL, including complex propagation constant ?, effective permittivity ?eff, effective permeability ?eff and index of refraction n are extracted, which reveal the left handed properties of the active CRLH TL. The electric plasma frequency fpe and the magnetic plasma frequency fme are observed in the proposed TL.
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