The Substrate Integrated Waveguide T-junction Power Divider with Arbitrary Power Dividing Ratio
Arbitrary power, dividing ratio, power divider, SIWAbstract
An X-band H-plane wideband substrate- integrated waveguide (SIW) T-junction power divider with unequal-power-division ratio is presented. Several inductive posts are used to have arbitrary power dividing ratio and also to control the phase difference. The position and diameter of these posts tune the power-split ratio and the phase difference in whole bandwidth. Parametric studies have been done to choose the best positions and diameters to get better results. Two different prototypes have been verified the proposed technique. They are designed and fabricated at a center frequency of 11 GHz. The measured input impedance bandwidths are 54% for ?out =3 dB and 45% for ?out =6 dB respectively.
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