A Novel Compact UWB Monopole Antenna with Triple Band-Notched Characteristics with EBG Structure and Two Folded V-slot for MIMO/Diversity Applications


  • A. Mousazadeh Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Shahed University, Tehran, 3319118651, Iran
  • GH. Dadashzadeh Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department Shahed University, Tehran, 3319118651, Iran


EBG, MIMO monopole antenna, triple band-notch, Ultrawideband (UWB)


A novel compact, ultrawideband (UWB) monopole antenna with triple band-notched characteristics are presented for MIMO/diversity applications. Triple band-notched function is achieved by inserting two folded v-slot on the radiation patch and two modified mushrooms-like EBG structure above ground plane on either side of feed line. The designed MIMO antenna has a small size compared to the previous similar designs. With the purpose of mutual coupling reduction between antenna elements, two rows of modified mushroom-like EBG structures are inserted to suppress the effect of the surface wave between antenna elements. The MIMO performance of the proposed antenna is studied through mutual coupling (S12), envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) and diversity gain.


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How to Cite

A. . Mousazadeh and G. . Dadashzadeh, “A Novel Compact UWB Monopole Antenna with Triple Band-Notched Characteristics with EBG Structure and Two Folded V-slot for MIMO/Diversity Applications”, ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 01, pp. 1–7, Aug. 2021.



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