An Algorithm for Calculating Transient Magnetic Field and Induced Voltage Inside Wind Turbine Tower Under Lightning Strike
Induced voltage, lightning, magnetic field, transient analysis, wind turbine towerAbstract
This paper proposes an efficient algorithm for predicting the transient magnetic field and induced voltage inside wind turbine tower under lightning stroke. The continuous tower body is simplified as a discrete multiconductor system consisting of longitudinal and transverse branches. On the basis of the lightning current responses in the multiconductor system, the analytic formulas of the transient magnetic field are derived from the vector potential. These formulas can take account of the impact of the wavefront steepness of lightning current on the transient magnetic field. A discretization scheme is further presented to calculate the magnetic flux passing through a conductor loop. The induced voltage can be determined by finding the time rate of change of the magnetic flux. The results obtained from the proposed algorithm are also compared with those from the software Ansoft and circuit method.
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