Fast EM Scattering Analysis for the Hard Targets in a Layered Medium by Using the Hierarchical Vector Basis Functions
Complex electromagnetic scattering, hierarchical vector basis functions, modified adaptive cross approximation (ACA) algorithmAbstract
This paper presents an efficient algorithm combining a higher order method of moments (MoM) with the adaptive cross approximation-singular value decomposition (ACA-SVD) algorithm for the threedimensional perfect electric conductor (PEC) targets located in a planar layered medium. An efficient set of hierarchical divergence-conforming vector basis functions based on curved triangular mesh is used to expand the induced surface electric current density on the metal surface of the target in layer medium. A three level discrete complex images methods (DCIM) is applied to efficiently obtain the closed form spatial Green’s functions. To be able to solve the electrically large problems, the ACA-SVD algorithm is proposed to accelerate the matrix-vector multiplication and reduce the memory requirements when the corresponding matrix equation is solved by a Krylov-subspace iterative method. The electromagnetic scattering from the practical model of hard targets buried in a lossy medium is analyzed in this paper, and numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed technique for the electrically large scattering problems in layered medium.
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