The Effect on a Human Heart Model from Dipole Antenna, with an without Shield on SAR and Temperature Increase
Comsol Multiphysics, dipole antenna, FEM method, SARAbstract
In this paper, investigate effect of dipole antenna over human heart and a comparative study of temperature increased at heart and specific absorption rate (SAR) without and with different material shields. These structures are modeled and numerically tested by using finite element method (FEM) by using Comsol Multiphysics. The created virtual models using 3D simulation and computation software proved that used shield around human heart reduce the effects of EM fields. The simulation outputs used as measures for this comparative study include the increased temperature and specific absorption rate (SAR), which SAR determines the amount of radiation that human tissue absorb. In addition, study effects of variation of distance of shield from antenna and simulated temperature and SAR.
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