Transient Current Distribution and Force Analysis of Three Phase Enclosure Type GIB Based on Field-Circuit Coupling FEM Method
Current distribution, electromagnetic force, field-circuit coupling, finite element method (FEM), GIB, plug-in connector, short circuitAbstract
On the purpose of optimal design and online monitoring of three phase enclosure gas insulated bus (GIB), a 3-D circuit-field coupling FEM model has been developed. The current constriction effects in plug-in connectors are simulated by modeling contact bridges between contact surfaces and the influence of conductor gravity on contact resistance has been taken into account. The distributions of current which is constrained by external circuit are obtained from fieldcircuit coupling calculation and electromagnetic force, which is derived from electromagnetic field calculation, is used as load inputs in mechanical field analysis. The validity of calculation model is demonstrated by comparing with vibration experiments. The dynamic current distribution and electromagnetic force behaviors of three phase enclosure GIB under steady state and different short circuit conditions have been analyzed using the calculation model. Analysis results show that the uneven heating of contact fingers due to current distributions under steady state and contact fingers with smaller contact forces are seriously ablated by large short currents under short circuit conditions, and are the main contact degradation mechanism of plug-in connector. Conductor electromagnetic forces under single phase short circuit condition are larger than those of two phase and three phase short circuit conditions and the electromagnetic force peak moments under different fault conditions are not the same.
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