A Parallel Implementation for the Time-Domain Analysis of a Rectangular Reflector Antenna Using OpenMP


  • Ghada M. Sami Mathematics Department, College of Science King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia , College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia
  • Khaled Ragab College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia , Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


Electromagnetic scattering, parallel computing, rectangular reflector, time domain


This paper presents and evaluates a parallel time domain analysis of a rectangular reflector on multicores machine. Rectangular reflector antennas have motivated the time-domain analysis of electromagnetic scattering problems. The asymptotic time domain physical-optics (TDPO) is applied to the analysis of a rectangular reflector illuminated by a Gaussian-impulse. It is a numerical technique used in computational electrodynamics. The effects of time-delayed mutual coupling between points on the surface will be ignored to avoid the numerical limitations found in other conventional time-domain techniques such as interpolation error, numerical dispersion error, etc. As a result, the scattered signals at the specular reflection point, at the edges, and at the corners can be clearly distinguished. Furthermore, this paper evaluates and compares the performance of the sequential time-domain analysis against the parallel time-domain analysis on multicores machine.


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How to Cite

G. M. . Sami and K. . Ragab, “A Parallel Implementation for the Time-Domain Analysis of a Rectangular Reflector Antenna Using OpenMP”, ACES Journal, vol. 30, no. 07, pp. 785–791, Aug. 2021.



General Submission