A Compact UWB Printed Monopole Antenna with Triple-Band Notched Characteristics


  • Aref Abdollahvand Department of Electrical Engineering Shahid Beheshti University G.C. (SBU), Tehran, +98, Iran
  • Abbas Pirhadi Department of Electrical Engineering Shahid Beheshti University G.C. (SBU), Tehran, +98, Iran
  • Mohammad Rasoul Hosseinnezhad A Lecture of Islamic Azad University, Meshkin Shahr Branch, +98, Iran
  • H. Ebrahimian Department of Biomedical Engineering Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran


Bow-shaped slits, printed monopole antenna, rectangular-shaped slits, triangular-shaped notch


A compact triple band-notched printed monopole antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) application is presented. By inserting two triangular-shaped notches in both sides of the ground plane of microstrip feed line, additional resonances are excited and the bandwidth is increased up to 160%. Three sharp notched frequency bands at 3.8 GHz, 5.5 GHz, and 7.5 GHz are achieved by embedding a pair of rectangularshaped slits in the ground plane and two pairs of modified bow-shaped slits in the patch. This novel monopole antenna has ultra-wide frequency bandwidth for input impedance, compact size (24 mm × 20 mm), low cost fabrication and Omnidirectional H-plane radiation pattern which makes it suitable for ultra-wideband applications. The measured results reveal that the presented triple band-notched monopole antenna is a promising candidate for UWB communication systems to avoid interference with WiMax band (3.3-3.7 GHz), some C-band (3.7-4.2 GHz), WLAN (5.15- 5.825 GHz) bands and some C-band satellite communication systems (7-8 GHz).


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How to Cite

A. . Abdollahvand, A. . Pirhadi, M. R. . Hosseinnezhad, and H. . Ebrahimian, “A Compact UWB Printed Monopole Antenna with Triple-Band Notched Characteristics”, ACES Journal, vol. 30, no. 04, pp. 374–380, Aug. 2021.



General Submission