A Compact Frequency Reconfigurable Split Ring Monopole Antenna for WLAN/WAVE Applications
Dual band, PIN diode, reconfigurable, split ring resonator, WAVE and WLANAbstract
A novel frequency reconfigurable dual band monopole antenna based on the triangular split ring element is proposed for wireless communications. The antenna with an overall compact size of 25×25×1.6 mm3 is designed for the operating frequencies of wireless local area network (WLAN) 2.4/5.0 GHz standard and wireless access for vehicular environments (WAVE) 5.90 GHz standard. The parametric study is carried out for tuning the upper resonant frequency. The reconfigurability between the WLAN and WAVE frequency bands is achieved by using a pair of PIN diode. The design considerations for the proposed antenna are described and the experimental results are validated. The antenna exhibits almost uniform radiation characteristics and good gain at each frequency band with the -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 44.1%, 5.8% and 10.1% at 2.45/5.30/5.90 GHz WLAN and WAVE bands respectively.
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