A Novel Compact CPW-Fed Antenna with Circular Polarization Characteristics for UWB Applications


  • Fateme Azamian Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia Branch Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
  • Mohammad Naghi Azarmanesh Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia Branch Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
  • Changiz Ghobadi Department of Electrical Engineering, Urmia Branch Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran


Circular polarization, CPW-feed line, Ultra-Wideband


A novel compact antenna with Circular Polarization (CP) characteristics is presented. The antenna structure includes an asymmetrical rectangular radiating patch from which a semi-circle shaped slot is cut. A 50 ? CoPlanar Waveguide (CPW) feed line with two rectangular slots feeds the antenna. Two inverted L-shaped strips and also two spiral shaped slots are embedded on opposite corners of the ground plane to further enhance the antenna bandwidth and also generate the circular polarization property. The antenna is printed on a compact size FR4 substrate with the total dimensions of 20×20×1.6 mm3 . The proposed antenna operates over the frequency range of 3-14.5 GHz for VSWR<2 and exhibits CP in 5.35-7.65 GHz (35%).


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How to Cite

F. . Azamian, M. N. . Azarmanesh, and C. . Ghobadi, “A Novel Compact CPW-Fed Antenna with Circular Polarization Characteristics for UWB Applications”, ACES Journal, vol. 30, no. 01, pp. 93–98, Aug. 2021.



General Submission