Small Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna Integrated with PIN Diodes for Multimode Wireless Communications
PIN diode, reconfigurable antenna and UWB wireless communicationsAbstract
A new printed reconfigurable monopole antenna with multi-resonance and switchable dual band-notched performances is presented, whose frequency characteristics can be reconfigured electronically to have both a single or dual-band notch function to block interfering signals from Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) for 5-6 GHz and/or X-band communications around 9-10 GHz. The presented antenna consists of a square radiating patch with H-shaped slot and a ground plane with a pair of Lshaped parasitic structures. We use two PIN diodes across the antenna configuration that by changing the on/off conditions of the PIN diodes, the antenna can be used for multimode applications. In the proposed structure, when D1=ON & D2=OFF, an UWB antenna with a multi-resonance characteristic can be achieved and we can give additional resonances at higher frequency bands that provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 125% (3.02- 12.43). By changing the condition of integrated diodes to D1=OFF & D2=ON, the pair of rotated T-shaped slots at radiating patch have converted to H-shaped slot and the L-shaped parasitic structures have converted to inverted ?-shaped structure. The proposed antenna can be used to generate either single or dual notch band to isolate and block any interference in the UWB frequency range.
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